In spring 2013 a series of late frosts burnt newly-burst buds in many parts of the state. We escaped that. Bud-burst here is later than almost anywhere.
There was a cold snap around the time of flowering. Missed that too, for a comparable reason.
From December to March, no rain fell. We have a 2 MegaLitre irrigation allowance and we used every drop.
Summer was hot and wasp numbers started increasing ominously in early January – until my friend Grant McRostie found and destroyed three huge nests in the side of a nearby creek.
There were major bushfires in Gippsland and the Grampians and elsewhere, but, amazingly, not a single one in our district over the summer.
In a lot of Victorian vineyards yields were down by as much as 75%. Ours was slightly above normal. The grapes were looking embarrassingly good.
March 15, picking day, was cool with rain threatening. We got the last of 4.5 tonnes of grapes in just as the heavens opened.
So it came as no surprise when we had our first stuck ferment in twenty years. I just knew The Big Guy was lulling me into a false sense of security. I did the things you’re supposed to do, but at only 1% residual sugar, I wasn’t exactly optimistic. But it all worked perfectly and the wine’s beautiful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I take back all those things I said about Your caprice, malice, arbitrariness and depressing lack of taste.